MilkShape 3D NovodeX Object Description Script Tool =================================================== Copyright (C) 2002 Mete Ciragan Use at your own risk! License ------- This exporter is freeware. Usage ----- Close MilkShape 3D and copy the msNovodeX.dll into the directory of ms3d.exe. The physics specific information is encoded into the group/joint name in form of tags. Each group/joint name can have a maximum of 31 characters, so try to keep the names short. Each group must have one material assigned. That material can optionally have a texture, which must be in the output directory. The tool will export a lot of ODS files, which can be opened in a text editor like Notepad. The resulting scene may be viewed with the viewer available at Tags ---- To encode tags into a group/joint name, use the following syntax: :,,... i.e: Box01:m=10,f=0,r=1 Group Tags ---------- sp: the group is a spherical object and will have a bounding sphere instead of a bounding box and spherical inertia. tm: the group will have mesh-mesh collision (TriangleMesh) m: mass r: restitutiom f: friction s: scale Examples: Sphere01:sp,m=10,r=0.8,f=0.6,s=1 Box01:m=100,r=1 Joint Tags ---------- t: type: sp = spherical, hi = hinge, pr = prismatic, sl = sliding b: bodies: ;, can also be WORLD. d: direction: any normalized direction vector in form of x;y;z br: breakable: 0 for unbreakable Examples: j1:t=sp,b=WORLD;Box01,br=90 j2:t=hi,b=Box01;Box02,d=1;0;0 j3:t=sl,b=Box02;Box03,d=0;0;1 Notes ----- * A full featured exporter might be available in MilkShape 3D 2.0, without the clumsy tags. * To generate the samples, open the .ms3d file and run the menu command Tools->NovodeX Object Description Script ODS... * Don't create joint hierarchies. Make sure each joint has no parent. * If you have long objects, let them have spherical inertia. * To view a NovodeX demo, create a desktop shortcut for the "NovodeX Viewer" and drag the demo.pds.ods onto that shortcut. Feedback -------- Send feedback to Version History --------------- 1.00 Initial Release ========================================================== All Trademarks are the property of their respective owners ==========================================================